Nominate a Safety Hero

Wellington City Council

Tuesday 21 August 2012, 12:12PM

By Wellington City Council



It's time to honour our heroes - nominations are open for the 2012 Safety in the City Awards, a partnership between Wellington City Council and the New Zealand Police.

The awards honour people who risked their lives to save others, and made efforts every day to keep their fellow citizens safe. Recipients will be awarded citations at a civic ceremony held at the Town Hall.

Last year, awards were presented to 17 Wellingtonians. They included a woman who stepped in to save a neighbour from a knife attack, people involved with the rescue of commuters on the sinking East by West Ferry and a volunteer who initiated a programme to reduce alcohol-related harm.

Mayor Celia Wade-Brown encourages people to nominate their fellow citizens who they think have made a positive difference for city safety.

"The great thing about these awards is that the people honoured are of all ages, from all walks of life," she says.

Wellington City was designated an International Safe Community in 2006 by the World Health Organisation, the only capital city in the world to achieve that status. It was re-certified in February this year, recognising the City Council's efforts to reduce alcohol-related harm.

Nominations are due by Friday 21 September and can be sent to:

Emma Titcombe
City Safety Advisor
Wellington City Council
PO Box 2199
Wellington 6140.

You can also email nominations to:

If you'd like to talk about your nomination, give Emma a call on (04) 499 4444.

The 2012 Safety in the City Awards will be held on Tuesday 16 October.