Time for action, not huff and puff

Labour Party

Monday 27 August 2012, 2:29PM

By Labour Party


Labour's transport spokesperson Phil Twyford says it is time that Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee sorted out the Auckland integrated ticketing fiasco, after Infratil-owned Snapper announced it is suing the Auckland ratepayer for at least $10 million.

"Gerry Brownlee said the Government would not be held to ransom by a bus company, and that NZ Bus (also owned by Infratil) would be off the run if it could not deliver compatibility with the new integrated ticketing system on the 650 buses in Auckland.

"Memo to Mr Brownlee: now the Auckland ratepayer is being held to ransom. What are you going to do about it?

"The Government has invested $56 million into the integrated ticketing project, on top of $42 million from the Auckland ratepayer, so it has serious skin in the game.

"It also has a responsibility to sort this mess out because it was meddling by then Transport Minister Steven Joyce that led to Snapper being allowed to roll out their card in Auckland only 12 months after they lost the tender to set up the new integrated ticketing system.

"Mr Brownlee talked tough on getting this fiasco sorted. Now the Auckland ratepayer is facing a hefty lawsuit, will he take action or was it just huff and puff?” said Phil Twyford.