Govt funds pro GE-lobbyists jamboree

Green Party

Wednesday 29 August 2012, 2:35PM

By Green Party


The Minister of Science and Innovation, Steven Joyce, needs to tell the public how much taxpayer funding is going into a conference featuring a number of pro-GE lobbyists and companies, Green Party primary production spokesperson Steffan Browning said today.

Representatives from some of the biggest companies promoting genetic modification are meeting at a taxpayer-sponsored conference in Rotorua next month. Among the attendees will be representatives of American biotech giants Monsanto and Dupont.

"The hosting of this conference in New Zealand, and the fact the Government is supporting this conference financially shows, an intent to push genetic modification," said Mr Browning.

"New Zealand's global advantage is based on our clean, green image.

"The Government sponsoring a conference full of the biggest names in genetic food modification undermines our clean, green brand.

"Government sponsorship sends a signal that New Zealand is interested in moving into becoming a player in the GE biotech and GE food industries.

"The Green Party considers New Zealand should instead be investing in promoting the purity of our products and staying GE free," Mr Browning said.