Green Bill to protect waterways passes first reading

Green Party

Thursday 30 August 2012, 2:15PM

By Green Party


Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty's Members Bill to close a loophole in the Resource Management Act allowing on-going pollution, passed it's first reading today.

Catherine Delahunty's Resource Management (Restricted Duration of Certain Discharge and Coastal Permits) Amendment Bill passed its first reading today, supported by all parties except for ACT and National.

The bill closes a loophole allowing on going pollution of waterways in 'exceptional circumstances', a provision which is being abused to allow for on-going pollution of rivers, in some cases for up to 35 years. This Bill restricts exceptional circumstances to five years.

"New Zealanders love our rivers, lakes and beaches and want them to be protected," said Ms Delahunty.

"The exceptional circumstances loophole that my bill closes has been used to allow on-going pollution of the Tarawera River.

"The pulp mills have had no incentive since 1954 to clean up their effluent hence the river being known locally as The Black Drain. This is an opportunity to do something positive for the environment, and the tangata whenua and community who have called for change for so long.

"Exceptional circumstances are real but not indefinite, a five year timeframe is much more reasonable," said Ms Delahunty.