Re-Joyce! It's another re-announcement!

Labour Party

Thursday 30 August 2012, 8:31PM

By Labour Party


Today’s latest Steven Joyce re-announcement is another cynical distraction from major issues, Labour’s economic development spokesperson David Cunliffe says.

“National are desperate to deflect attention from the country’s big problems by producing glossy brochures, because all the evidence shows their economic policies have failed.

“But Kiwis know that unemployment is up, that growth is flat, and that average families are $900 a year worse off than they were in 2009.

“Yesterday hundreds of mining jobs were cut, in an industry Steven Joyce wrongly claimed will lead us to economic salvation.

“Today’s latest edition in the long-running National re-announcement glossy magazine, ‘Re-Joyce’, yet again re-announces a worthy goal but has no credible plan on how to get there.

“The aims of the glossy are ones we share but once again there’s insufficient substance to give confidence they will deliver for business on time and in full.”

David Cunliffe says the government needs to come clean and change course on economic management.

“Labour is desperately worried about New Zealand’s economic decline under this government and the poverty it is generating all around us. Unlike National, Labour has a vision for a clean, green, clever future with sustainable economic growth.

“It’s well past time for the government to take some responsibility, take off its ideological blinkers and get a real economic development plan.

“Another day, another glossy. Re-Joyce! Hallelujah! It must be re-announcement season.”