DHBs deliver more front line services

Tony Ryall

Thursday 30 August 2012, 9:01PM

By Tony Ryall


Health Minister Tony Ryall says the latest results of the Government's National Health Targets, released today, show district health boards (DHBs) continue to make improvements and deliver more frontline services.

Highlights for the quarter four 2011/12 health targets include:

  • Emergency Departments have achieved the highest result since the target was introduced. 94 per cent of patients were admitted, discharged or treated in emergency departments within six hours.
  • DHBs performed nearly 9,000 more surgeries than planned this year – achieving 106 per cent of their target. All DHBs met their individual targets. Lakes and Taranaki DHBs were outstanding performers delivering 20 per cent more surgeries than planned.
  • All patients received their cancer treatment within the world gold standard of four weeks for every quarter this year.
  • Immunisation coverage for two-year olds has increased again this quarter and is now 93 per cent. This is one of the most significant public health achievements of the past 10 years.
  • 33,631 of the 35,900 smokers hospitalised were offered support to quit. In the last year the number of patients provided help to quit smoking has jumped from 85 per cent to 94 per cent.
  • This is the second quarter of reporting the new more heart and diabetes checks health target. Wairarapa, Bay of Plenty and Whanganui DHBs have achieved the 60 per cent target and the other DHBs are making progress.


“Despite tight financial times, the Government is spending $14.12 billion in 2012/13 on health – the biggest investment ever. This demonstrates the Government’s commitment to protecting and growing public health services.”