Post-mortem examination completed on body of Upper Hutt woman

Saturday 1 September 2012, 11:19AM

By New Zealand Police



A post-mortem examination has been carried out on the body of a woman in her late 30's, discovered in an Upper Hutt house last night.

Detective Senior Sergeant Dave Thornton, acting officer in charge of the Hutt Valley CIB says the results of the post-mortem completed this afternoon have not determined a preliminary cause of death.

"The death of the woman, aged 38 years, continues to be treated as unexplained at this stage and further enquiries will be conducted throughout the course of the weekend."

D/S/S Thornton says Police are still trying to piece together the movements of the deceased woman prior to her body being discovered by family members around 10:15pm last night and a scene examination at the deceased woman's flat has been carried out today.

Police would like to hear from anyone who was in the vicinity of Ebdentown Street throughout the course of the day yesterday who may have seen anyone or anything unusual.

"Anyone with any information should contact Hutt Valley Police on (04) 560 2600 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."