Labour committed to adult education

Labour Party

Wednesday 5 September 2012, 4:50AM

By Labour Party


Adult Learners Week is an opportunity for political parties to show their commitment to life-long learning and to supporting the sector that provides second chances to so many New Zealanders, says Grant Robertson, Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training Spokesperson.

“Labour is committed to supporting adult and community education.  It is at the heart of an education system that gives all New Zealanders, whatever their background, a fair go to achieve their potential.  It is an essential part of the education mix, particularly providing second chance learning opportunities and supporting new New Zealanders.”

“The sector is still facing tough times in the wake of the cuts to funding that began in the 2009 Budget.  Funding for ACE in schools dropped by 80%, with just 23 schools providing courses.  By the end of 2010, the latest figures available, there had been 133,400 fewer enrolments in adult education in schools.”

“This is a massive missed opportunity from the National Government, and it runs the risk of many people failing to achieve their potential.”

“In 2008 a Price Waterhouse Coopers study showed that for every dollar invested in ACE there was more than a $50 return.  This is just the kind of investment that the Government should be making to support productivity, employment and social inclusion.”

“I congratulate all those who are working in the adult education sector for their hard work and dedication in challenging times.  The quality of courses and teaching is very high, and students are achieving life changing results.”

“Labour remains committed to restoring the cuts made by National, and working with adult educators and learners to develop a plan that ensures there is a range of quality, relevant programmes available in all regions of New Zealand,” Grant Robertson says.