Planning Committee recommends approval of memorial request

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 6 September 2012, 1:11PM

By Christchurch City Council



Christchurch City Council’s Planning Committee recommended today that the Council approve the request from King’s Education for the planting of a memorial tree, with a remembrance plaque, in Latimer Square.

The memorial would recognise King’s Education staff and students who died in the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

The Committee also recommended the Council approve principles which will support an appropriate and consistent response to any memorial requests. It was noted that the national Earthquake Memorial is now being progressed.

Other Committee recommendations included:

That the Council adopt a proposed City Plan change for Ruapuna Motorsport Park to address issues related to noise management and then publicly notify the change.

Some preliminary background work will get underway on alcohol issues in Christchurch. Parliament is currently considering the Alcohol Reform Bill and one provision, if passed, will mean that Councils can prepare a Local Alcohol Policy (LAP).

That the Council change the terms of reference of the Riccarton Ilam Community Safety Joint Working Party to allow for three community representatives. Currently the terms of reference state that two local residents be selected by the Working Party.