Adelaide Road Area the Focus of New Growth Study
People who have an interest in the city-end of Adelaide Road and adjacent areas are being asked for their views as Wellington City Council looks at how the area should grow.
The area under the spotlight – between the Basin Reserve and John Street – is expected to come under increasing development pressure as the city's population increases and the Council wants to manage this change to make sure it is positive for the local community and the city.
The Council's Urban Development and Transport Portfolio Leader, Councillor Andy Foster, says the Adelaide Road – planning for the future project will look at how the area can develop to become an attractive, vibrant and prosperous part of the city while continuing to operate as a crucial transport and public transport route.
"The aim is to develop a vision to manage population, housing, retail and business growth in the area over the next 20 to 30 years," he says. "We would like to see it become an exciting urban area where more people will live, work and gravitate to."
Cr Foster says there is already developer interest in the area and changes happening, including new townhouse, apartment and student accommodation developments.
"Development could mean more jobs, more people living in the area, a wider range of services, more shops, better public spaces and the opportunity to create a focal point for the Mt Cook community. However, there are challenges that need to be carefully managed, such as improving traffic flows, ensuring adequate parking and retaining the character of the surrounding housing areas," he says.
"Our aim is to achieve a high quality of development and to help create a more sustainable city. We want to encourage development to occur close to services and public transport. The result will be a more walkable, more people friendly city with less traffic and less impact on the environment."
The north-end of Adelaide Road, to John Street, is the focus of the project but the study will also consider the surrounding residential areas, the hospital, Massey University and Government House to ensure that the impacts of any change are fully understood.
Property owners and people who live or run businesses in the area should receive a brochure and questionnaire in the mail early next week. The questionnaire can also be completed online at until Friday 14 December. A community workshop is planned early next year to further explore key issues and development ideas. It is hoped a draft development vision and plan will be ready for public feedback by mid-2008.
Related Links
Adelaide Road Consultation
Adelaide Road Project