Take The Step - The Green Party's search for Champions for Children

Green Party

Tuesday 11 September 2012, 8:47PM

By Green Party


The Green Party wants ordinary New Zealanders to talk with their feet and take a step to help end child poverty.

At a campaign launch at Miramar South school today, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei and 'Laughing Samoan' Tofiga Fepulea'i joined with pupils to leave their colourful footprints on a banner promoting our campaign to recruit Champions to 'take a step' and help end child poverty.

"All Kiwi kids deserve a good life and a fair future," Mrs Turei said.

"New Zealand should be a great place to grow up and none of us want children living in cold damp homes, or going to school with an empty tummy.

"That's why, as a first step, we're asking people to email John Key in support of my Member's Bill which gives all children who need it the same child payment that has helped lift thousands of other kids out of poverty.

"Our poorest kids need John Key to do something to help them. By supporting my Bill he will allow us all to have a serious debate about how we want to tackle child poverty."

Metiria Turei's Income Tax (Universalisation of In-work Tax Credit) Amendment Bill is due for its first reading and would extend the tax credits to the children of beneficiary and student families.

"The In-work Tax Credit has halved poverty among non-beneficiary children," Mrs Turei said.

"But it's made no difference at all to one in five children whose parents study or receive a benefit. They aren't allowed the payment, and more than 70 percent of these kids remain living in poverty.

"I think most New Zealanders would say that isn't fair."