International award for Massey entomologist

Tuesday 18 September 2012, 11:14AM

By Massey University


Professor Qiao Wang was presented the award by the international branch president  Professor Christian Borgemeister.
Professor Qiao Wang was presented the award by the international branch president Professor Christian Borgemeister. Credit: Massey University

Institute of Natural Resources researcher Professor Qiao Wang has been awarded the Distinguished Scientist Award by the Entomological Society of America.

The society gives only one award each year. Professor Wang was presented the award at a ceremony in Korea last month during the 24th International Congress of Entomology where he also chaired two symposia. 

The award recognises a member of the international branch of the society who has made an outstanding contribution to the science of entomology.

Professor Wang says receiving the honour was a privilege. “As a New Zealand-based researcher it is really good to have this recognition from a major international body,” he says. “It is a proof that we at Massey are doing research that is important to the world.”

Professor Wang obtained his PhD from La Trobe University in Australia in 1994 and carried out post-doctoral research at the University of California in the United States before joining Massey.

His research focuses on insect pest biological control, behavioural ecology and systematics. Professor Wang has established himself as an internationally renowned expert on cerambycid beetles (which include many forest and tree crop pests) and has contributed significantly to their systematics and biogeography.

His research on insect reproductive behaviour has international standing, having made significant contributions to the basic science of sexual selection. His work on biological control has made important contributions to the control of pests in eucalyptus plantations in the United States and to apple leaf-curling midge control in New Zealand.