Skippers Update – Restricted Access
Over the weekend Queenstown Lakes District Council contractors created a temporary bypass around the slip at Devil’s Elbow on Skippers Road. The slip, which was discovered last week, saw a five-metre section of the historic road fall away into the Shotover River.
“This bypass was checked and signed off by our engineer yesterday but access will need to be restricted to tourist operators and residents only,” Mr Mander said.
The need to undertake on-going work onsite and the challenging nature of the bypass meant it was only suitable in dry conditions to be accessed by experienced drivers in high wheel based, 4WD vehicles, using off-road tyres.
“Given that work on the permanent route is now underway, the access will be limited to three times a day,” Mr Mander said. The opening times had been worked through with operators to ensure their access needs and those of residents were being met. When the bypass was closed it would be blocked off by machinery.
“Unfortunately we have to continue to close access to the public but the sooner we get the work completed the sooner we can re-open the road,” Mr Mander said. Although there was still a significant amount of material to be excavated for the road, contractors were finding the work more straightforward than was expected.
Both the Otago Regional Council and Historic Places Trust had given Council the ‘go ahead’ to undertake work on the new section of road.