Key's shifting defence of Banks farcical

Labour Party

Tuesday 18 September 2012, 4:21PM

By Labour Party


John Key has today shifted his defence of John Banks to claim that because the time ran out on him being charged, he is somehow innocent, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“This is a brand new position from John Key. And it is a completely farcical one.

“John Key’s previous claim was that John Banks hadn’t broken the law simply because he said so. And that was good enough for the Prime Minister. Now John Banks is supposedly innocent just because the time ran out on a charge being filed.

“That is a ridiculous attempt at a defence. The police report clearly states that a false return was made and, on that issue, the law had been breached and the elements for prosecution had been met.

“That is completely at odds with John Key’s claim that John Banks hasn’t broken the law.

“New Zealanders expect the Prime Minister to do what is right not what is politically convenient for him. John Key came into power promising to set higher ethical standards but he has let Kiwis down.

“It is incredible that the Prime Minister thinks it is okay for one of his ministers to break the law as long as they can get away with it.

“The evidence is there for John Key to see with his own eyes. He should just read the police files. But he doesn’t want to do that because it would force him to sack his political prop,” said David Shearer.