Cantabrians still can't vote even on Suffrage Day

Labour Party

Wednesday 19 September 2012, 1:57PM

By Labour Party


Cantabrians’ celebration of Suffrage Day is clouded with resentment, anger and frustration at the continued denial of our right to vote for our Regional Council, say Labour’s Canterbury MPs Lianne Dalziel, Ruth Dyson, Clayton Cosgrove, Rino Tirikatene and Megan Woods.

“Suffrage Day marks the wonderful concept of universal suffrage, a right secured by one of the greatest Cantabrians, Kate Sheppard. How ironic that yesterday, almost 120 years on, David Carter introduced legislation to extend our non-vote period for another 3 years.

“It’s time for Canterbury to stand up against this confiscation of democracy and channel the spirit of Sheppard. Labour MPs will work with Cantabrians so that we can leave the Government in no doubt about our opposition to this move.

“’No taxation without representation’ is a fundamental concept of democracy. This democratic right was fought for by Kate Sheppard and won for women in New Zealand, ahead of the rest of the world. It's time for us to continue that work.”