Key sets new low for ethical standards

Labour Party

Thursday 20 September 2012, 12:27PM

By Labour Party


John Key is making a mockery of his role and responsibility as Prime Minister by continuing to keep a Minister in his Cabinet who broke the law but got away with it simply because the time for prosecution ran out, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“As another day goes by with John Key refusing to read the police report, his defence of his political ally John Banks becomes increasingly embarrassing. It is now bringing his own credibility and integrity as Prime Minister into question.

“John Key says that it’s okay that John Banks broke the law as long as he wasn’t prosecuted for it. If that’s the new test for having confidence in a Minister, John Key has set a new low.

“He trumpeted his plan to set higher ethical standards when he entered Parliament. But he has let New Zealanders down. They expect more of a Prime Minister.

“The police files clearly lay out the sworn testimony of three witnesses who say John Banks knew about the donation from Kim Dotcom. Yet John Key would prefer to believe his Minister who is refusing to release his own statement to police.

“John Banks proudly proclaimed he had nothing to fear or hide over the donation saga. So why won’t he release his testimony? And why won’t the Prime Minister instruct him to do so? Then we can see exactly who is telling the truth,” said David Shearer.