Ropey league tables agenda just dopey

Labour Party

Friday 21 September 2012, 2:43PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s pig-headed determination to use “ropey” data to create school league tables will do nothing to help our kids, says Labour’s Education Spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta

“National is obsessed with measuring the problem – it thinks if it can just produce a nice chart that shows how schools are doing in terms of meeting its National Standards all will be well.

“Well it won’t be.  League tables don’t help lift educational achievement one little bit.  Even John Key admits the data the Ministry of Education is putting out will be “ropey.”

"Parents want good information about their child and their school.  They want to know how their children are progressing and what is being done to help if they are struggling.

“That’s why Labour will introduce easy-to-read school report cards, produced by the Education Review Office and sent directly to parents.  That will let parents know how their schools are really performing.

“League tables, based on un-moderated data, comparing schools around the country won’t help our kids learn.  In fact, releasing ropey data could be destructive and create unnecessary fear in the community.
"The Government’s covert attempt to promote league tables will destroy the very best elements of a 21st century education system that requires greater collaboration - not mindless competition.

"The Minister’s spin cannot cover-up her real intention to promote league tables that will destroy the culture of a quality education system.

“Labour would rather focus on helping our kids to learn, by making Reading Recovery available in all schools and supporting parent-led reading initiatives, for example - and helping our schools be the best in the world,” says Nanaia Mahuta.