Government's craven stance on Maui's Dolphins a disgrace

Labour Party

Friday 21 September 2012, 2:45PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s decision to oppose further protection measures for Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins is a disgrace, says Ruth Dyson.

New Zealand was one of just two countries to vote against fresh protections at the International Union for Conservation of Nature conference in Korea.

“It beggars belief that the New Zealand Government could oppose a motion to protect these incredibly vulnerable dolphins in our own waters.  The Maui’s dolphin is the most endangered dolphin species in the world, but we won’t stand up for its survival?  It’s appalling.

“New Zealanders will be outraged by the craven stance taken by John Key’s Government.  What possible justification could there be for voting against the motion to stop the extinction of the world’s rarest dolphins and porpoises?

“But it is not just an environmental outrage, it is also economic stupidity.

“New Zealand should be doing all it can to support sustainable fishing practices.  By swimming against the current of international opinion on this issue, New Zealand risks an international fishing boycott in our waters.  That could put one of our largest industries on the endangered list too.

“The Minister of Conservation should be ashamed.  Not only has she failed to stand up for the rarest dolphins in the world, she’s also allowed New Zealand’s reputation as a clean, green nation to be tarnished on the international stage,” says Ruth Dyson.