Big step forward for Dunedin-Port Chalmers walking/cycling path

Friday 21 September 2012, 4:26PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) says the public can now use the just completed section of the State Highway 88 walking and cycling path between the Maia to St Leonards in advance of its official opening in November.

This section of the Shared Path involving a $1M investment by the NZTA creates a continuous 4.5 km route for walking and cycling commuters between Dunedin and St Leonards. This alternative to State highway 88 from Dunedin to Port Chalmers, offers a safe direct route for cyclists and walkers with places to stop and enjoy the stunning views over the Otago Harbour.

NZ Transport Agency Otago-Southland State Highways Manager Ian Duncan says, “Funding is being sought for design and resource consents in this financial year for the remaining sections of the Shared Path route from St Leonards to Port Chalmers. The construction of these, which are supported in the 2012/15 Otago Regional Land Transport Programme, will be reviewed as funding becomes available.

Jan Tucker, Chair of the Chalmers Community Board, is delighted all the hard work has come to fruition and can’t wait to see the community using it. “I am also very pleased that the NZ Transport Agency continues to see the importance of the project and we look forward to the path eventually being connected to Port Chalmers.”

Mr Duncan says the NZ Transport Agency works to provide transport users with positive travel experiences that are increasingly safer and efficient and this project does that for those using the Shared Path to commute to and from Dunedin.

The NZ Transport Agency welcomes feedback from users which will be considered during the design of the remainder of the route. Feedback can be sent to