$38m for dedicated fees-free foundation level learning

Wednesday 26 September 2012, 3:06PM

By Steven Joyce


Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, Steven Joyce today welcomed funding decisions that will see Private Training Establishments (PTEs) deliver core foundation tertiary education for the first time in 2013.

“The TEC has run a competitive process over recent weeks to allocate approximately $38 million of funding for fees-free level 1 and 2 courses. The funding decisions will result in 17 PTEs receiving approximately $12 million to deliver fees-free foundation level courses in 2013,” My Joyce says.

The remaining $26 million of the competitive pool has been allocated to six ITPs and one wānanga.

“It is encouraging to see a good number of quality PTEs stepping up to offer the kind of quality education and pathways for foundation learners of all ages that the Government is looking for,” Mr Joyce says.

“The successful ITPs and wānanga have demonstrated a good track record of performance in foundation level education, and we will be looking to them to build on this and deliver more results for learners, in particular in getting them through levels 1 and 2 and onto higher qualifications or into skilled employment.”

The Government earlier this year announced changes to the way it funds foundation level tertiary education. Policy changes focussed on directing funding to high quality providers that are able to support those learners most in need of foundation skills.

“The Tertiary Education Commission will be closely monitoring the implementation of the new policy to ensure that it results in successful education and employment outcomes for foundation learners,” Mr Joyce says.