National blocks OIA request on Hungary's response

Labour Party

Wednesday 26 September 2012, 6:03PM

By Labour Party


In a move that can best be described as hypocritical National has blocked an Official Information Act request for Hungary’s formal response to the Prime Minister’s criticism of its troops in Afghanistan.

The request from Labour’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Phil Goff, was knocked back by Foreign Minister Murray McCully.

“The real irony was that the request was turned down on the grounds that releasing it would prejudice the international relations of New Zealand”, Phil Goff said.

“The real prejudice to our international relations with a friendly country, Hungary, was done by the Prime Minister’s ill-considered comments in the first instance.

“John Key’s disparaging remarks were widely reported in Hungary. His reflections on the courage of that country’s soldiers caused a level of public anger that would only have been topped in New Zealand if someone had said the same of our troops.

“There’s been no apology, as the Prime Minister required Gerry Brownlee to make when he insulted Finland and its education system, notwithstanding that Finland tops the world in its ranking in the quality of its education.

“Slights like these are long remembered. They are hugely damaging to our international relationships and won’t help New Zealand’s bid for support for election to the UN Security Council in 2014.

“John Key did it again at the Pacific Forum talking about China ‘spreading its tentacles’ across the Pacific. That sort of language can only be interpreted in one way.

“It’s time the Prime Minister took a Stage One course in diplomacy. It would teach him that you talk tough in private when it’s required and speak diplomatically in public, not the other way around as he is inclined to do”, Phil Goff said.