Heatley out of his depth

Labour Party

Thursday 27 September 2012, 11:32AM

By Labour Party


Four years in and Phil Heatley is drowning in his housing portfolio, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.

“At a time when New Zealand is facing a shortage of housing in its biggest cities, and he should be building a cohesive, forward-looking housing strategy, Mr Heatley is paralysed.

“After four years of constantly telling people, desperate for affordable housing, that state houses are in the wrong place or are the wrong size, we now learn Mr Heatley hasn't got a clue where these wrong houses of the wrong size are. (See attached)

“It beggars belief.

“It comes as the Government forges ahead with the wholesale sell off and demolition of state houses across the country, and amid almost daily reports of homes being empty, left in a state of disrepair, or removed or deemed 'earthquake prone'.

“To rub salt into the wound, in the very place where houses are being withdrawn there are people living in garages, sheds, or caravans, or have to double or treble up in the homes of family and friends.

“The latest farce is hearing of freshly-painted and newly-repaired state houses being pulled down and the tenants evicted.

“Mr Heatley has made an art form of covering up issues in his housing portfolio. He obfuscates, refuses to answer questions, refuses to release information under the OIA, and changes how data is collected.

“The truth is now catching up with him.

“Too many dedicated people working in the housing sector have had a guts-full of a Clayton's housing policy and a Clayton’s minister.

“The reports of housing failures are pouring in on a daily basis. If John Key can get his head out of the muck of the John Banks and Dotcom debacles perhaps he might like to appoint a minister who has a vision for housing into the future,” Annette King said.

Written Parliamentary Questions:

06334 (2012) Published - Housing - Corrected Reply: How many Housing New Zealand houses are currently in the wrong place, broken down by region?

06335 (2012) Published - Housing - Corrected Reply: How many Housing New Zealand houses are currently the wrong size, broken down by region?

06336 (2012) Published - Housing - Corrected Reply: How many Housing New Zealand houses are currently in poor condition, broken down by region?

Answer Text for all three WPQs: I refer the Member to the Briefing to the Incoming Minister (2011) which outlines the numerical estimates of mismatch of HNZC stock to demand, household size and decency including surpluses on a regional basis throughout the country. I also refer the Member to the New Zealand Asset Management Strategy (2010), and the independent HSAG Report (2010) which describes the Corporation’s legacy of stock not being where, or at a standard that, it is needed most.

Portfolio: Housing Minister: Hon Phil Heatley

Date Lodged:14/08/2012

Date Received:21/09/2012