Labour formally requests proper inquiry into intelligence failures

Labour Party

Friday 28 September 2012, 2:44PM

By Labour Party


Labour Leader David Shearer has today written to the Prime Minister formally requesting a wide-ranging and independent inquiry into the serious failures within our intelligence services and the Government’s management of them.

“New Zealanders’ confidence in the integrity and actions of our intelligence agencies has been severely dented by the Kim Dotcom affair.

“My concern, and theirs, is that the failings in this case go right to the top of Government, including the role of Prime Minister who has legislative ‘control’ of the agencies.

“This isn’t just about whether a couple of people screwed up at the lowest levels of the Government Communications Security Bureau. It’s about many serious issues, including how a number of key agencies, like the Intelligence Coordination Group which reports directly to the Prime Minister, were either unaware of the issue or deliberately kept it from John Key.

“The Prime Minister will be doing the country a disservice if he tries to sweep this under the carpet. It is too serious for that. It goes to the heart of our national security, New Zealanders’ right to privacy and our international reputation for open and honest Government.

“We have suggested the inquiry could be similar to that conducted by Philip Flood into the Australian intelligence services in 2004. The terms of reference should be broad and it should be headed by an independent person of great standing and high integrity.

“Kiwis need to be able to trust that our intelligence agencies are following the law and are being properly overseen. The report by Paul Neazor is too limited and will not, on its own, restore the faith of New Zealanders given that there are dozens of questions remaining unanswered.

“I am asking John Key to treat this with the seriousness it deserves as Prime Minister. He owes New Zealanders nothing less,” said David Shearer.

You can view David Shearer's letter to the Prime Minister here.