Government must learn from Canterbury education botch-up

Labour Party

Monday 1 October 2012, 7:19PM

By Labour Party


The National Government must learn the lessons from their complete botch-up of the Canterbury schools reorganisation when they make decisions on the region’s future of tertiary education, Labour’s Tertiary Education, Skills and Training spokesperson Grant Robertson said.

"The shambles created by the Government over schools in Christchurch is the result of a top down approach that owes more to ideology than practicality. If the same approach is adopted in tertiary education it will have disastrous consequences for the city and region," Grant Robertson said, after meeting with tertiary providers, staff and students in Christchurch.

"If the government is serious about retaining the full range of tertiary provision in Canterbury then it needs to set out a long term vision and provide for transition arrangements. Quality tertiary education can't be turned on and off like a tap. It needs support to ensure continuity through the tough times.

"For instance the University of Canterbury losing an $835,000 Marsden grant because relevant staff have been made redundant is short term thinking. Research contracts like that have significant spin offs for the university. Those staff need support to carry on their work.

"The Government also needs to hear the voices of staff and students. While buildings and capital expenditure are vital parts of the future plan, this is also about supporting and retaining the people who are the heart of tertiary education.

"Everyone I have spoken to understands the tight fiscal environment that we are living in. They actually want the chance to contribute to making this situation work. What will not work is top down solutions that force mergers or relocations that work against quality education and skills training," Grant Robertson said.