GCSB needs more than another internal review

Labour Party

Monday 1 October 2012, 7:38PM

By Labour Party


The Government’s decision to start a second internal investigation into the GCSB’s actions, just days after the original was condemned as a whitewash is another cynical attempt to cover over serious concerns about the agency, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“This is the second investigation launched into the GCSB in a week. The original was rightly condemned for ignoring the major issues. But this second review is nothing more than an internal audit, as if all that had happened was that the GCSB had committed a minor mistake.

“This move is simply damage control by the Government. John Key is desperately trying to isolate an issue that goes well beyond the actions of junior officers in the GCSB to the top of the chain of accountability involving our intelligence agencies.

“The reviewer, Rebecca Kitteridge, is currently secretary to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, within which sits the Intelligence Coordination Group, headed by former Ambassador to the US, Roy Fergusson. The ICG is the body supposed to coordinate the activities of all our spy agencies. Asking her to conduct the inquiry will mean the wider accountabilities through to the Prime Minister will never be see the light of day.

“On top of that, John Key has said her report will be secret. That gives little reassurance to the New Zealand public about the operations of our spy agencies. 

“I repeat my call for a full, independent inquiry into the entire intelligence service in this country. The Dotcom case has revealed major flaws that raise serious concerns for New Zealanders at home and damage our reputation abroad.

“The failings in this case appear to go right to the top of this Government. We need answers and we can only get that through a full and independent inquiry that is headed by an independent person of high standing and integrity. But the Government appears to be running scared.

“Asking the Cabinet Secretary to look into the GCSB’s structure is nowhere near good enough and shows how out of touch the Government is with the concerns about our spy’s actions in this country. Either that, or it shows the Government’s got something to hide.”