Public invited to forum on genetic modification

Tuesday 2 October 2012, 4:24PM

By Hastings District Council



The public is invited to a regional forum which will present the latest information on the issue of Genetically Modified Organisms as they may affect Hawke’s Bay.

Issues surrounding Genetic Modification (GM) have been raised over a number of years by the region’s food producers and others including through submissions to Hastings District Council’s 2012/22 Long Term Plan.

The forum is being organised by the Hastings District Council and the guest speakers will cover topics including environmental, cultural, scientific, economic, marketing, horticultural and agricultural perspectives on Genetic Modification. The speakers will present information on GM but this meeting will not be a forum for open debate.

Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule says “This is an extremely important subject for the whole of the country and particularly Hawke’s Bay, given the region’s reliance on agriculture for our current and future economic prosperity. It is imperative that this issue is put before the wider community to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to gain a better insight into the different viewpoints on GMO’s.”

The GM forum is to be held in the Assembly Room at the Hawke’s Bay Opera House on October 24th, 2012 from 9.30 am to 4.30pm.

Further information on the forum is available at

For those wishing to attend, a registration form should be completed on the above website by October 17th