Police investigation into illegal GCSB spying

New Zealand Police

Tuesday 2 October 2012, 5:49PM

By New Zealand Police


A police investigation into the Government Communications Security Bureau's illegal interception of Kim Dotcom's communications needs to be comprehensive and thorough, the Green Party said today.

"I am very pleased the police have decided to act on the Green Party's complaint. Police will now investigate this apparent breach of the Crimes Act and we expect them to take it seriously," said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

"Police must hold our spies to the same standards as other New Zealanders. They are subject to the laws of this land and must be held accountable by the police and the courts if they violate those laws.

"If police find the law has been broken they should prosecute.

"We welcome the police decision to appoint a Queens Counsel to provide independent oversight and police also need to ensure that no one involved in the case has a say in the investigation.

"Senior police and Government ministers including Prime Minister John Key and his deputy Bill English should be interviewed in order for all the facts to be established.

"The Government likes to talk tough on crime, they need to show they support and uphold our justice system by fully supporting police in their investigation."