Just another GE mirage

Green Party

Tuesday 2 October 2012, 5:53PM

By Green Party


The announcement about scientists producing GE milk will damage New Zealand's brand on which our more than $10 billion a year dairy exports rely, the Green Party said today.

Today AgResearch scientists announced they have used genetic engineering (GE) technology to breed the first cow in the world that produces high protein milk that may be hypo-allergenic.

"This is just another GE mirage; another announcement from GE proponents about a potential product which has no market," Green Party GE Steffan Browning said today.

"It's not right for these scientists to be touting their finding as a solution to milk allergies in babies as some sort of justification for the huge amount of resources that have been invested into GE research.

"We see this over and over again with GE scientists; this new product or that new product that will have apparent amazing results but it never actually meets our real needs for a safe, healthy food supply.

"The Royal Commission into GE recommended that wherever possible animals that are a common source of food should not be used for GE but that recommendation has been ignored.

"Field trials in New Zealand need to be closed down and GE research needs to be kept in the lab.

"Our export markets want safe food grown in a natural environment but the production of GE milk puts those markets at risk.

"Putting at $10 billion a year industry at risk for half a glass of milk is not something to be celebrating," said Mr Browning.