Government still needs to front up on Rena

Labour Party

Tuesday 2 October 2012, 5:57PM

By Labour Party


The settlement with Daina Shipping over the Rena disaster is welcome but if the Government had signed up to the international convention the haggling wouldn’t have been needed, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Grant Robertson.

“When National came into power its in-tray included legislation to sign New Zealand up to international conventions to ensure shipping companies front up for disasters just like this one.

“If they had passed the Marine Legislation Bill we wouldn’t have needed protracted negotiations with the shipping company to ensure taxpayers didn’t have to pay to clean up a disaster not of their making.

“National unbelievably still hasn’t passed the Marine Legislation Bill one year on. Neither have they launched any form of inquiry into what has been our biggest environmental disaster. If another Rena type disaster were to happen tomorrow, New Zealand would be in the same vulnerable position we have found ourselves over the last year.

“We need to learn all the lessons we can from the Rena to ensure we are better prepared and won’t have to foot the bill if anything like this happens again. National are moving too slowly.

“Some of the critical questions that need to be answered are:

  • What did happen in the five clear days after the disaster?
  • If more had been done then, would the disaster have been limited?
  • Is New Zealand in a position to respond adequately to any future disaster, and if not, what do we need to do to be better prepared?
  • Have we ensured that we have all the laws and regulations in place that will limit both the potential for a disaster and the cost to taxpayers if one occurs?


“Kiwis in the Bay of Plenty and across the country want these questions answered. National must hold an inquiry,” says Grant Robertson.