GCSB files show Key's Dotcom tale unravelling

Labour Party

Wednesday 3 October 2012, 4:01PM

By Labour Party


John Key’s story that he knew nothing about his spy agency’s involvement in the Kim Dotcom case is unravelling with the revelation it told him about it months ago, something he conveniently forgot, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

“This isn’t a case of ‘brain fade’. It points to the Prime Minister not telling the truth. His credibility and integrity, and the entire intelligence network that he heads, are seriously in question.

“The only way this can be cleared up is to have the full, wide-ranging inquiry that I called for in my letter to John Key last week.

“No other inquiry will have any credibility in the eyes of New Zealanders. There must be an investigation from the bottom to the very top, including the role of the person in charge - John Key. That investigation should include what he knew, what he was told and what he should have known.

“Just a few days ago, John Key was quite happily dumping on the guys at the bottom in a desperate attempt to avoid scrutiny of his own role. Yet today we have proof that there were failures at the very top.

“The Prime Minister is supposed to be in ‘control’ of our intelligence agencies. That’s his job. He has let Kiwis down and undermined New Zealand’s reputation for honesty and integrity.

“His lax attitude and continual claims that he either doesn’t read material or isn’t aware of what’s going on under his own nose just doesn’t cut it. The fact he’s dumped this material before jetting off to Hollywood is also irresponsible and just dodging the issue.

“The revelation that there are another three cases where the legal position of surveillance or interceptions are not clear adds weight to the need for an independent inquiry.

“As does the confirmation that Roy Ferguson, the head of the Intelligence Coordination Group, knew all about the role of GCSB in the Dotcom arrest but didn’t tell the very man he reports to – John Key.

“Kiwis must be able to trust that our intelligence agencies are following the law and are being properly overseen. I am again asking John Key to treat this with the seriousness it deserves as Prime Minister. He owes New Zealanders nothing less,” says David Shearer.