Govt fails Green Party's Rena report card on oil spill protection

Green Party

Wednesday 3 October 2012, 4:17PM

By Green Party


The Government has not acted to protect New Zealand from future devastating oil spills like the Rena, the Green Party said today.

"The Government's been asleep at the wheel when it comes to protecting New Zealand's waters, and not even the nightmare of the Rena has woken it up to the very real threat of a future oil spill," said Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes.

"Not only has the Government done nothing to make container ship spills like the Rena less likely, it is actively increasing the risk of an oil spill by encouraging oil companies to conduct deep sea oil drilling in our waters.

"Even the Rena captain supports the calls for compulsory shipping lanes in New Zealand, but the Government has rejected the idea."

The Green Party's report card on progress to better protect New Zealand from oil spills shows the Government has failed on nearly all counts:

  • Immediately set up an independent inquiry into the speed of the Government response to the Rena grounding, maritime regulations, and the capacity of our maritime services to respond to accidents. Result: FAILED
  • Implement higher standards for coastal shipping that supports the use of local ships and crews that know New Zealand waters and hazards. Result: FAILED
  • Implement compulsory shipping lanes. Result: FAILED
  • Increase the Oil Pollution Levy on industry to build up the Oil Pollution Fund, which is to pay the cost of responding to spills when the full costs are not recovered from the polluter. Result: FAILED
  • Build Maritime New Zealand's oil spill response capability and infrastructure. Result: FAILED
  • Put a moratorium on deep sea oil drilling and exploration. Result: FAILED
  • Adopt the Bunkers Convention and the 1996 Limit to Liability for Maritime Claims Protocol, which would double the liability cap for ships like the Rena. Result: PASSED
  • Sign up to the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund's Supplementary Fund Convention, which would allow New Zealand to access a $US 1.18 billion fund for tanker spill clean-up and compensation costs. Result: FAILED
  • Increase minimum levels of compulsory insurance for offshore rigs. Result: FAILED
  • Increase penalties under the Resource Management Act for oil spills. Result: FAILED


"The Rena was a wake-up call but the Government has gone back to sleep and is dreaming of deep sea oil drilling.

"If there is a leak from a deep sea oil rig there is no easy way to stop it. The consequence for New Zealand's environment, economy and reputation would be catastrophic."