Enviroschools Teachers Re-energise

Friday 5 October 2012, 4:12PM

By Tasman District Council



Top of the South teachers received a tune-up in Enviroschools at a hui in St Arnaud recently. The two-day gathering of about 50 people heard from the Enviroschools national director Heidi Mardon, plus a couple of teenagers enthused by the programme to promote sustainability and love of the natural environment, from preschool to college level.

Workshops covered ecological principles, how to energise lessons, sustainability issues, and “upcycling”, or reusing “junk”. The hard work was sprinkled with fun activities such as Canadian canoeing and “Claire Grylls’ Bush Skills,” led by a toughened outdoorswoman with an uncanny resemblance to Tasman District Council Environmental Educator Claire Webster.

The hui, based at Rotoiti Lodge Outdoor Centre, was co-funded by Tasman District, Marlborough District and Nelson City Councils, plus the Enviroschools Foundation and Mother Earth foodstuffs. Feedback from teachers was very positive and they have asked for more such hui in the future.

Nelson-Tasman has one of the highest Enviroschools rates in the country, with 43% signed up.