Day of action shows anger with reforms

Labour Party

Friday 5 October 2012, 6:03PM

By Labour Party


A national day of action against Paula Bennett’s welfare reforms is yet further evidence of the increasing anger and frustration over this Government’s approach to social security in New Zealand,” Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.

“Like others in Cabinet, Ms Bennett has failed to show political leadership in the management of her portfolio.

“At a time of recession, when working families are doing it tough and people are truly struggling to find work, her response has been to make access to support harder, and to vilify those who legitimately need that support.

“Rather than focusing on turning social security into an active system or a ‘springboard’ into a better future, the Government’s reforms have added greater sanctions and more work testing. Work testing doesn’t make anyone work ready, nor does it provide any hope that there will be jobs to move into.

“The Government hasn’t created the jobs it said it would and it hasn’t created an economy that encourages opportunity.

“Look at the statistics. They tell the real story. When Labour left office, unemployment benefit numbers were less than 18,000. Under Paula Bennett’s ‘oversight’, they have climbed to more than 50,000.

“People’s attitudes to work have not changed – no one wants to live in poverty - but the Governments attitude to people in real need of our social security system certainly has.

“It’s time Ms Bennett stopped the attack, and started dealing with the legitimate barriers to work for people trying to move off the welfare system,” said Jacinda Ardern.