Buck passing between CERA and Christchurch Council must stop!

Labour Party

Tuesday 9 October 2012, 3:14PM

By Labour Party


The review of Port Hills land zoning appeal processes announced today shows a gaping hole between CERA and the Council, and Port Hills residents are falling into it, says Port Hills MP Ruth Dyson.

“Gerry Brownlee and Bob Parker must get together urgently and stop this nonsense.  Their inability to coordinate their work is stressing families and destroying communities. It is easy to resolve. It needs goodwill and leadership and I urge the Minister and the Mayor to make this resolution a priority – now.

“Gerry Brownlee says the zoning review will not look at S124 notices or at individual protection measures because this is the role of the City Council. But the City Council has been silent on these issues, instead deferring to CERA.

“The sources of rock fall which are putting homes at risk are, in the overwhelming number of cases, on City Council land. It is the responsibility of the Council to continue with the rockfall protection measures they stopped earlier this year. They have the ability and the budgeted funds to provide protection to make homes safe and allow the residents to live there again.

“The announcement that the Port Hills zoning will not look at either S124 notices or individual mitigation is an offensive slap in the face for Port Hills residents who have been relying on fairness and common sense being applied to their situation.

"This decision is fundamental to the wellbeing and lives of these families. They deserve to have these issues considered properly, not carved up and passed between the two bodies,” says Ruth Dyson.