No time better than today to acknowledge housing crisis

Labour Party

Wednesday 10 October 2012, 12:59PM

By Labour Party


It’s hardly something to celebrate, but today - World Homeless Day - is an opportune time for the National Government to acknowledge New Zealand has a growing housing crisis that needs to be addressed, Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King says.

“This is a problem that’s not going to go away, however much Mr Heatley would like it to.

“There’s no better time than World Homeless Day for Mr Heatley to take stock of his portfolio and make some real decisions on how best to address the affordable housing shortage this country is facing.

“Up to now he has refused to acknowledge there is a problem.

Staff in the various agencies working in the housing area will put him right. They have repeatedly warned of a shortage of quality affordable housing, and of how homelessness - particularly among women - is growing.

“And everyone knows the cost of housing is too expensive, something that has resulted, to quote Bill English, in any number of people living in overcrowded 'slum like' conditions.

“Unfortunately there are no official statistics on homelessness because the Government, taking its usual ostrich like position, believes if it can’t see the evidence then there isn’t a problem.

“Homelessness is not about a few ‘hobos’ sleeping on park benches. Homelessness is about people having to sleep in cars or in friends’ or families’ lounges.

“They don’t choose to live that way. They do it because there is nowhere else for them to live.

“More affordable, permanent housing should be a priority for the Government. First, of course, it has to admit there’s a problem and today’s the day to do that,” said Annette King.