New Signs for Coastal Walkway

Thursday 11 October 2012, 2:54PM

By New Plymouth District Council



Reminders about the guidelines of courtesy on the Coastal Walkway are being installed in time for summer.

The new signs will be up by the end of next week at three key entrance points to the walkway: At the end of Egmont Street, the central deck by the Wind Wand, and Te Rewa Rewa Bridge.

Manager Parks Mark Bruhn says the signs spell out the ‘share with care’ message for all users.

“The signs incorporate our key messages about keeping to the left, going slowly on the walkway and cyclists ringing their bells when they approach other users,” he says.

“Dog owners are reminded to pick up after their dogs and to keep their dogs on a lead at all times while on the Coastal Walkway.”

Leads are particularly important between Te Rewa Rewa Bridge and Hickford Park as this is where birds such as blue penguins are nesting and breeding.

“Penguins have a very strong smell which is very attractive to dogs, and just one bite can kill them, so we need the cooperation of dog owners to keep these birds safe,” he says.