Minister to visit USA for justice meetings

Monday 15 October 2012, 1:55PM

By Judith Collins


Justice Minister Judith Collins departs today for a week-long visit to the United States of America where she will discuss a range of justice policy issues with her counterparts there.

Ms Collins’ visit will include meetings with the US Attorney General, Eric H. Holder, Jr., who heads the Department of Justice, and the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, who visited New Zealand earlier this year.

Ms Collins will visit Adult Drug Courts and hold discussions on policies designed to combat drug offences with the FBI and police officials, including Commissioner Raymond Kelly of the New York Police Department.
“There is no doubt that alcohol and drugs are a problem for many communities in New Zealand, and where it results in crime it is important we take action. I am interested in seeing how the US Courts operate and how effective they are in dealing with addiction problems there.”

Ms Collins will meet with leading US family dispute resolution specialists, and examine strategies to improve the administration of justice across the public and community sectors.
Ms Collins will also meet with experts on privacy and addressing the problems caused by cybercrime and cyber-bullying.

“The Government is currently considering its response to the Law Commission’s recent report on harmful digital communications. I am keen to understand how cyber-bullying is addressed in other jurisdictions,” Ms Collins says.

Ms Collins will also lay a wreath at the Vietnam War Memorial and will visit Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, DC, and tour the 9/11 Memorial in New York.