Train teachers for Kiwi classrooms

Labour Party

Monday 15 October 2012, 3:01PM

By Labour Party


Student teachers need to know they have a future in Kiwi classrooms, says Labour’s Tertiary Education spokesperson, Grant Robertson.

A Ministry of Education representative reportedly told Victoria University teaching diploma students they should head overseas, as there would only be jobs in New Zealand for one-in-five of them.

“That’s a terrible indictment on the Ministry of Education.  What message is the Ministry sending to the next generation of teachers?

“This Government is already exporting a thousand New Zealanders a week.  It is absolutely crazy to invest in training world-class teachers and then tell them they don’t have a future here.

“This is further evidence that the Government has lost its way in education.  They have failed to properly plan tor teacher supply, which is a basic task.

“Instead they are leaving students with large loans and travel tips for Australia.  It’s just not good enough,” says Grant Robertson.

Labour’s Education spokesperson, Nanaia Mahuta says the Government has taken a hands-off approach to teacher supply and demand issues, giving no signals to training providers about the serious gaps in important subject areas.

“The Government’s entire attitude towards teachers is one of barely concealed contempt. Hekia Parata’s arrogant disregard for teachers was clear when she addressed the PPTA recently.

“This Government doesn’t value teachers, and its indifference now clearly extends to student teachers too,” says Nanaia Mahuta.