Threats to clinic staff cannot be tolerated

Labour Party

Thursday 18 October 2012, 2:57PM

By Labour Party



Alleged bullying and threats of violence against staff working in Southland’s abortion care facilities have been condemned by Labour’s women’s caucus.

Caucus chairperson Maryan Street said recent threats against workers and property at Southland’s abortion care facilities are an unwelcome development and should not be tolerated.

“Direct and indirect threats have been made to the health professionals who provide safe, lawful abortion care. It follows the persistent call from anti-abortion group, Southlanders For Life, to publish the names of all those involved in providing this professional health care and underscores the reason why such names should not be published.

“Threatening, intimidation and bullying have no place in our health system, even when strongly held convictions are involved. I would ask Dr Norman McLean, who fronts Southlanders for Life, to issue a similar statement, calling on his supporters to support the law and condemning intimidatory tactics which may include violence.

“We, as women MPs, condemn such bullying and the deliberate attempt to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation around what is a lawful activity in New Zealand. There is always a place for protest but never a place for threats of violence to people and property,” said Maryan Street.