Collins inflicts unnecessary bureaucratic delay

Labour Party

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 2:30PM

By Labour Party


Labour MP Phil Twyford says Judith Collins, the minister responsible for the Alcohol Reform Bill, is making communities suffer an unnecessary bureaucratic delay before they can take up new powers to regulate local liquor outlets.

“Ms Collins is being disingenuous when she says smaller councils could not get their policies ready within three months.

“What my amendment does is give them the option of implementing a Local Alcohol Policy after three months. It is not mandatory.  Councils will have the freedom to implement a Local Alcohol Policy any time after the three month wait.

“Larger councils, like those in the main centres, are more than capable of preparing their policies within three months, and are itching to do so.

“Local communities have waited long enough to have more say over the number and location and opening hours of liquor outlets. Now the Government wants to make them wait even longer.

“It’s a bit rich for Ms Collins to complain that Labour is delaying the passage of this Bill by casting a conscience vote.

“Under my amendment councils would be able to get a Local Alcohol Policy in place seven months after the law is enacted, allowing for four months of public consultation.

“Ms Collins, on the other hand, wants to impose a 16 month delay,” Phil Twyford said.