Marryatt giving local government bad name

Labour Party

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 3:59PM

By Labour Party


Given the animosity Christchurch ratepayers already feel towards council chief executive Tony Marryatt, he should drop any thoughts he may have about pocketing a $68.000 pay rise, Labour’s Local Government spokesperson Annette King says.

“There was widespread criticism of the pay hike when it was initially awarded, which makes it even more unbelievable that Mr Marryatt is now suggesting he might take it after all.

“To suggest that he is somehow ‘owed’ a huge pay increase - more than twice the annual rate of married superannuation - when hundreds of ratepayers continue to struggle with post-earthquake financial pressures, is beyond stupid.

“Local government is already under at attack from this Government. Mr Marryatt’s loose lips only serve to brand all councils as irresponsible and profligate when, in fact, the overwhelming majority of councils are working hard under increasing constraints, investing in their facilities and providing for their communities

“A Bill in my name, that would have ensured transparency and required councils to consult with the State Services Commission before setting salary increases, was unfortunately voted down by National.

“That means it is even more important that people like Mr Marryatt understand their roles and recognise public scrutiny around performance and remuneration is part and parcel of a healthy democracy,” said Annette King.