Another brain-fade, this time from English

Labour Party

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 6:48PM

By Labour Party


National’s Government-by-amnesia policy has emerged again with Bill English completely forgetting his job creation policy from the last election, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.

“Bill English and his Government ran on a promise in 2011 to create 170,000 additional jobs. That was less than a year ago but he’s already forgotten it.

“I asked him a straight question – ‘did he promise at the election that his Government would create 170,000 additional full time jobs?’ Bill English had no idea what I was talking about, saying ‘I think the number may come from budget forecast 2009 perhaps, I can’t remember the year exactly’. Out-of-work Kiwis know where it came from - it came from his election campaign.

“We’ve all become used to John Key’s brain-fades and now Bill English is catching the condition. I know this is a year National would like to forget, but this is getting ridiculous.

“To forget his job creation promise is a serious insult to the 162,000 people in this country trying in vain to find work. The unemployed of this country are holding out hope that this Government will help create jobs. They are waiting in vain, because National has forgotten its promise.”