Asset sales agenda costs West Coast jobs

Green Party

Thursday 25 October 2012, 6:37PM

By Green Party


The loss of jobs with the closure of the Spring Creek Mine is yet another cost of the Government's asset sales agenda, West Coast-based Green Party MP Kevin Hague said today.

Solid Energy today announced its intention to cut more than 400 staff across its operations nationwide with more than half those job losses at the West Coast's Spring Creek facility.

"The Government's desire to maximise the share price of Solid Energy is the reason behind today's job losses," said Mr Hague.

"Rather than managing the price fluctuations of coal and continuing to trade, the board of Spring Creek have cut their losses in order to get Solid Energy ready for a future sale.

"Today's job losses will create a devastating knock-on effect, and likely lead to far more job losses on the Coast than those directly lost through Spring Creek's closure.

"The Government's asset sales agenda is driven by the desire to create short term profit at the cost of long term sustainable job creation and sensible management of our energy sector," said Mr Hague.

"New Zealand needs to keep our assets in public ownership so we can sensibly manage the demands of the energy sector and take into consideration the impact of changes on jobs, communities, consumers and the environment."