National not putting Kiwis first in rebuild

Labour Party

Thursday 25 October 2012, 6:55PM

By Labour Party


National’s claim it’s putting Kiwis first in the Christchurch rebuild is laughable when half of the workforce is expected to come from overseas, says Labour’s Immigration spokesperson Darien Fenton.

“National is running scared from David Shearer’s speech on jobs where he said he would make sure Kiwis get the first look in for jobs, require Government to contract with more local businesses and boost skills and apprenticeships in the construction industry.

“Nathan Guy claims they are ‘doing everything possible’ to put Kiwis first in the Christchurch rebuild. That’s laughable. Two years on from the first earthquake 17,000 technicians, tradespeople and labourers have left for Australia and 80 per cent of the Government’s training funding is untouched.

“Labour’s policies are doing everything possible to get Kiwis involved and boost skills. We would pay employers the dole to hire apprentices, require businesses to make better efforts to employ Kiwis before looking offshore and ensure businesses that get Government contracts hire one apprentice for every $1million they earn.

“Labour believes that temporary migrant workers play an essential part in New Zealand’s economy but that Kiwis should get the first go for jobs. That’s something all New Zealanders believe in.

“There are 162,000 people looking for jobs in this country. They must be given priority in the jobs queue. We believe our workers have the skills and the ability to be trained quickly to fill the jobs when needed.

“Labour is putting Kiwi workers first. National is resigned to second best for New Zealand’s future. That’s why they’re on the defensive,” says Darien Fenton.