Govt misses opportunity to strengthen local voice on alcohol

Labour Party

Friday 26 October 2012, 3:29PM

By Labour Party


National has missed a once in a generation chance to give communities more say on controlling alcohol by not strengthening the Alcohol Law Reform Bill, Labour MP for Mana, Kris Faafoi says.

“There are communities in Mana that have fought for years for more say and more controls, but all National MPs decided against taking harder measures,” Kris Faafoi said.

Labour proposed a raft of changes to enhance the legislation such as making Local Alcohol Plans mandatory and measures to protect children and schools from the aftermath of alcohol abuse and advertising.

“The hundreds of people that protested in Porirua against alcohol abuse recently will be disappointed that the Government blocked much needed changes to the law.

“The recent campaigns around the likes of Russell School have championed the need for community voice. But not one National MP took action to help them.

“I supported an amendment to ban off-licenses within one kilometre of schools and early childhood centres. This would have meant less rubbish for our schools, kids and families to have to clean up on Monday mornings.

“It would also mean that our kids wouldn’t be bombarded with alcohol advertising as they make their way to and from school.

“The amendment exempted supermarkets and gave the ability for new and existing off-licensees looking to trade within the 1km radius to apply for an exemption.

“That would have meant communities like Pukerua Bay, Plimmerton and Pauatahanui for example could retain an off-license in their area if their community supported it.

“For too long it has been too difficult for communities to have their say in the face of bad sales practices and alcohol abuse. The 1km radius change would have given communities more say to prevent the carnage happening in some areas of Porirua.

“We have National to thank for not letting communities have more say.”