New Manufacturing Inquiry website to take submissions

Labour Party

Friday 26 October 2012, 3:59PM

By Labour Party


The leaders of four political parties are calling on New Zealanders to find out more about the joint-Parliamentary inquiry on manufacturing and make submissions by visiting the new website.

The Labour Party, the Green Party, New Zealand First and Mana are holding a Parliamentary inquiry into manufacturing and are now taking submissions on this important issue.

David Shearer, Russel Norman, Winston Peters and Hone Harawira believe that real change and new ideas are needed to protect and grow manufacturing in New Zealand, and that the National Government has failed to provide any leadership on this issue.

The parties invite submissions from all people with an interest in manufacturing.

We are particularly interested to learn from the personal experiences of workers and businesspeople and experts in the manufacturing sector and hear their ideas on how government can give manufacturing the support it deserves.

More information can be found at

The Committee will hold hearings of oral submissions in several cities in early December.

Written submissions and requests to present oral submissions can be sent by email to or via the form on the submissions page. The deadline for written submissions is November 30th.