Relief at cup venue decision - but process flawed

Infonews Editor

Tuesday 27 February 2007, 4:26PM

By Infonews Editor



New Zealanders will be relieved the Labour Government has finally made a commitment to a venue acceptable to the IRB for the 2011 Rugby World Cup final, says National Party Sport & Recreation spokesman Murray McCully.

“But many New Zealanders will feel frustrated by the tortuous and divisive decision-making process the Government has followed. Many will also question the use of temporary seating as a significant component in the final package.

“Though many of us may have our own views about the most appropriate World Cup final venue in which to invest public money, the most important consideration is that both the Rugby World Cup managers and the IRB appear to have given their approvals to the proposition announced today. This is important because it removes the remaining question mark over our ability to host the event.

“The process by which this decision has been arrived at has been less than ideal. Considerable delays have occurred examining matters that should have been dealt with much earlier in the process.

“Important relationships have been unnecessarily put at risk, and some will argue that the North Harbour option, which would have delivered a permanent facility for a similar amount of money, should have received more serious consideration.

“But the most important thing is that a decision has been made – and one that is acceptable to those who own the event. Whatever our individual views, we now need to move past a rather unfortunate phase in this process and make the selected option work.”