One vote could make all the difference

Labour Party

Wednesday 31 October 2012, 5:42PM

By Labour Party


If just one more MP votes to lower the drink-drive limit, up to 30 lives a year could be saved, Labour’s Transport Safety Spokesperson Iain Lees-Galloway says.

“I understand 60 MPs now intend to vote for my amendment to the Alcohol Reform Bill that would reduce the legal blood alcohol content for driving from 0.08 to 0.05mcg.

“Unfortunately, the National Party, supported by John Banks and Peter Dunne, has indicated it will block vote against all amendments designed to improve the Alcohol Reform Bill so for now it looks like my amendment will lose by just one vote.

“There is still time for just one more MP to change their mind and do something the public is crying out for and the evidence – it is estimated a lower drink-drive limit would save up to 30 road deaths a year - supports.

“I know that many National MPs support reducing the limit. However because their vote is whipped I don’t expect any change of heart from them. John Banks will do whatever National tells him to.

“Peter Dunne has supported sensible legislation promoted by Opposition MPs this year and understands the value of reducing the drink-driving limit. As the Associate Health Minister responsible for Mental Health and Addictions he knows the sector he is responsible for wants this to happen. He should follow their advice.

“There is no need to wait any longer. The longer we wait, the more people will be needlessly killed. There is no justification for further procrastination when Parliament has the perfect opportunity to make a change that we know will save lives,” said Iain Lees-Galloway.