Is an independent audit of Environment Southland compliance enough?

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 3:03PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Following last Saturday’s Southland Times headline, “ES admits 'untruths' in court”, Federated Farmers welcomes Environment Southland appointing an independent person to audit its compliance processes, but also asks if this is enough.

“What has been alleged in the media is so serious, the council issued a media statement on Sunday,” says Russell MacPherson, Federated Farmers Southland provincial president.

“It concerned me to read “ES admits 'untruths' in court,” both as a farmer and as a ratepayer.  That came on top of Campbell Live last week, reporting that council employees had seemingly altered Police documents to fine truckies.

“The actions of Environment Southland in both seem a little suspect.

“Federated Farmers of course welcomes the appointment of lawyer Karenza de Silva to look into things.  We have to ask, however, if an audit of just compliance processes is sufficient.

“If these are the actions of cowboy officers, then it begs the question of Environment Southland’s policy, processes and even staff supervision.

“If we are paying the money, then the review ought to look deeper and wider to Environment Southland’s systems and culture across all departments.  Compliance, which is to be audited, is the flipside of policy formation, but policy formation is excluded.

“That being the case, would it not be appropriate to ask the Office of the Auditor-General or a retired judge to look into all aspects of Environment Southland?

“These two revelations dent trust and confidence and these must be restored

“As Environment Southland is the major regulator down here it must also be beyond reproach.  To me, that is a strong argument in favour of a broader independent investigation,” Mr MacPherson concluded.