Full time jobs drop shows National's failures

Labour Party

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 3:42PM

By Labour Party


The consequences of National’s economic mismanagement are clear with full-time employment falling over the last three months under this Government, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.

“National’s failure to live up to its promises of a brighter future with 170,000 more jobs is a disappointment for New Zealanders. In the last three months alone, jobs numbers have dropped by 2,800.

“Every week John Key and Bill English claim their hands-off approach to the economy is working, but full-time employment is down. That’s putting more families under ever more pressure, with many barely keeping their heads above water.

“No wonder a thousand Kiwis are leaving for Australia every week.

“And the jobs are being lost in critical areas. Contrary to National’s claim, manufacturing jobs are down by 5,700 in a year, even when primary processing is included. Outside of manufacturing of primary products, the position is even worse, as today's announcement from Rakon shows.

“With full-time employment falling there’s little hope for Kiwis wanting to get ahead. National’s economy isn’t working for hard-working New Zealanders.

“Kiwis deserve better. National stands by and refuses to make the changes New Zealand needs - pro-growth tax reform, universal KiwiSaver, and changes to our Reserve bank Act to help exporters. Its hands-off approach is not working, despite the enormous rebuild underway in Christchurch.

Labour will be hands-on. We will work with businesses, workers and communities to create opportunities, advance new ideas and get New Zealanders working for a just wage again.

“We have the economic vision and changes needed to get our economy moving.”